How does Heat Help Pain?

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For centuries, heat has been used as a simple yet effective way to manage your pain and joint or muscular stiffness. Deep and penetrating heat not only relieves your pain but also enhances your recovery process.

By applying a heat pack to your painful joints and muscles, the heat stimulates your sensory receptors to block the transmission of pain signals to the brain, resulting in an instant and effective pain relief.

Even if you are a chronic pain sufferer, heat packs can help relieve your discomfort – NOW and for many years ahead!

If you’ve been suffering with either stiffness or pain that feels better when you apply heat, have a warm relaxing bath or a hot shower. Alternatively, a CoreGear Blazer therapy heat pack could be the best investment you’ll make this year.


Heat is relaxing. That’s why overworked muscles respond best to heat. Heat stimulates blood flow, relaxes spasms, and soothes sore muscles. Heat therapy is also known as thermotherapy and a basic principle of our CoreGear Blazer reusable therapeutic heat pack.

How Does Heat Actually Help You?

  • By increasing tissue elasticity, heat reduces your resting muscle tension and helps to relax those nasty painful knots.
  • Your pain is quickly eased via the sedation and soothing of any pain-irritated nerve endings.
  • The deep heating effect increases your blood flow to the painful area, bringing more nutrients to the injured area while flushing out the injured debris. This helps to quicken your healing rate.
  • The deep heat also promotes a speedier healing rate by stimulating your natural metabolic rate. In other words, there is more energy available to fix the injury quicker.


Overworked muscles become sore because of a chemical called lactic acid. Lactic acid accumulates when the muscles are put under stress and deprived of oxygen. When there is decreased blood flow to a damaged area, the lactic acid gets stuck. This build-up creates painful muscle ache. Heat therapy can help to restore blood flow and speed the removal of lactic acid from muscles.

Having  CoreGear Blazers reusable therapy hot pack in your first aid kit is essential to ease the pain of muscle soreness and stiffness, or chronic pain which can occur with a previous injury or medical condition. When the pain comes you can be ready with the Blazer pack, but also be assured that it will immediately start working away at the problem.

CoreGear BLAZERS have been discontinued.  Buy now while supplies last!

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